Une Femme Est Une Femme

OBVIOUSLY this outfit was inspired by Anna Karina and Nouvelle Vague. Nouvelle Vague girls are simply the best, I'll never stop trying to emulate their style.

 One day I want this hairdo.

You'd think the references in my outfit were pretty obvious, right? Red tights, midi skirt, a French beret, breton stripes, flats and tartan. And YET, almost everyone in my class told me I looked real Scottish. Seriously people? Get a CLUE, AS IF!

In fact, two grown ass dudes crossing me on the street muttered something along the line of "I guess it's Scotland theme-night", loudly to ensure I'd hear it. Come on, I expect shit like that from 15 year old testosterone ridden brats who want to compensate for their insecurity by making other people feel bad, but these blokes looked of age. And if someone is old enough to drink liquor, vote, drive a car and screw around, I EXPECT your sorry ass to be old enough not to express yourself like a teenage dirtbag, baby.

I sound more pissed off than I actually was but it was a serious eye-roll moment for me. If I hadn't been so hurried to get to class I totally would have told 'em off.

So, Scottish or French-sixties? Tip: you should pick the second option.

coat, sweater: Pimkie
tights: H&M
skirt, scarf: Think Twice vintage
flats: Kimchi & Blue
beret: old


  1. I adore the red tights and that haircut! And you definitely look french-sixties to me!

  2. Stomme kerels! You look lovely, dear ;)

  3. Definitely French sixties, lol. I love the look, it's just awesome!

  4. I love this outfit, and that first photo! You are too cute. Again! And really, this outfit is hardly scottish looking, the only plaid thing is your scarf. Crazy people. I got myself some bangs, and then rediscovered that my hair likes to flip dramatically on the left side and now I am lopsided, sigh.

  5. Love this outfit! Maar vraag me af, krijg je geen koude voeten met dit weer? :p Ik durf geen open schoentjes aan nu, ook al is het met kousen (koude vos!) =)

    xoxo S.

  6. Zeker weten French Sixties! Ik begrijp wel waar ze dat schotse thema vandaan halen, maar dat komt denk ik puur door je sjaal en het feit dat je een langere rok draagt. En wat die oude mannen betreft, ja spijtig genoeg zijn er zo'n mensen en ik ben pro eigen mening enzo, maar alstublieft seg, denk eens na voor ge uw mond opentrekt! Ik ben meestal een heel lief meisje, maar zo'n mensen krijgen zeker weten 'the evil eye' van mij (remember het filmpje met dat jongetje ;) )!

  7. I definitely see where your inspiration came from! You look so cute and I'm loving that first picture of you. The pose is perfect. You look great in your new wave inspired outfit!

  8. het is bijna tien graden, dat noem ik niet koud zenneee :D

  9. Loooove it!!!! :D Your pose is spot on ;)
    and wow...boys are so dumb sometimes! I would have went over and punched them ;)

  10. LOOOOOOVEEEE IT!!!!! I love everything about that outfit.

  11. Hi Annebeth!!! Love this outfit!...I also like Anna Karina and her style...you stay beautiful with this retro model
    kisses rose jp

  12. Ik hou van Anna Karenina en red tights! Ik vind zelfs dat de eerste foto een beetje weg heeft van Abbey Road (maar het is geen zebrapad of course). En die puberale gevalletjes: jij bent een pak slimmer en beter dan hen. They ain't got your style! ;) And they're not smart enough to get it!

  13. anna karina =/= anna karenina!! :D maar de twee worden wel vaker verward, haha
    ik dacht ook meteen aan abbey road :)

  14. Annebeth, this is such a cute look & makes me so jealous I can't be wearing stockings this time of year.
    PS Love your little blog makeover.

    Kelly @
    Elegantly Academic

  15. I didn't even think scottish?! Why are people so bizarre, and feel the need to comment on others. I think you look so retro french chic. The tstrap shoes and the perfect touch. Absolutely love the skirt and sweater together

  16. This is TOO cute!!! I adore that sweater!! :) Merry Christmas! XOXO Elizabeth E~

  17. Honestly nothing says "Scottish" to me about this outfit except for maybe the plaid scarf but plaid is so ubiquitous (at least in the U.S.) that it has long ago lost that association. Hrm. Anyways love the outfit, I've been pining for red tights! I also need to see some of these movies this winter, if only for the fashions!

  18. Haha, your pictures are so cute; Love the striped french-inspired shirt.
    Check out my blog? (:

  19. People are rude :/ You look cute!!

  20. French 60s duhhhhhhh


  21. LOVE your inspiration! This is one of the best outfits I've seen in a while! You look great. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  22. I meant Karina. Maar het was al heel laat toen ik dat getypt had :p Het zou raar zijn moest je jezelf vergelijken met iemand die zelfmoord pleegt.

  23. ach, als ze stijlvol is zou het me niet verrassen als ze inspiratie was voor sommigen :D

  24. I love love love this outfit! But as someone who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, I have to say that I didn't think that this outfit was Scottish at all really, aside from the scarf, but not many people wear them here really. I totally got what you were going for, I guess people just see tartan and think Scotland, it's such a great place after all :)

  25. CLEARLY French sixties. It isn't even a Scottish look at all! People have no clue. You look awesome though, and the photos are so fun! I haven't even seen this film :'( waaaah xx

  26. Tsss dat is idd lame! Je had sowieso iets moeten zeggen & dat had ik keihard willen zien :)

  27. This couldn't me more French! Waar halen ze het, Schots??? Je ziet er echt zo leuk uit, hou van de hele outfit!

  28. You are just so adorable! I love the Anna Karina inspiration. And the beret is a sure winner for the winter :-)

  29. YOu certainly pulled it off!!!!! Beautiful outfit!
