Totally Over Teal

I'm aware of the fact that reading the titles of my last three posts including this one probably has a rather funny effect. My goal in life is to entertain!

But this is no laughing matter: I may have been a bit too impulsive when dyeing my hair green. I failed. I totally underestimated (read: didn't think of) the fact that a radically different haircolor would also radically change what colors and clothes would and would not suit me. When I'm standing in the bathroom in just my undies I ADORE my hair, but when I start to put together an outfit it just doesn't look quite right. And I can't exactly go to class in my undies now, can I?

My style is quite eye-catching and high on prints and colors, so my natural brown hair was a good way to tone things down. Now my hair is an extra eye-catcher, I feel like my loud style is a bit too much. But I hate neutrals and I'm not used to letting my hair do the talking! UGH I hope I figure this out. Or that it fades fast. So warning to everybody I might have inspired to get a weird haircolor: try to pick a color that goes with the colors you usually wear. My previous peachy brunette (as I call it lovingly) went with my style without much of an effort. 

Also, suddenly I feel like going for a chop. I really want to go for a short bob again as it looks so cute and sharp and sexy, but I just had a haircut so that would be a major waste of money AND EVERYTHING SUCKS ARG

REALLY feeling this. Also, if I get this haircut now my hair will probably be long-ish again in time for next summer as I always yearn for long hair in the summer and shorter in the winter. I'm so fickle. I had a very similar haircut in summer 2010 and I loved it. Only sad thing is the fact that my supershort bob is incompatible with my beloved ombre hair... What do you think?

PS have you guys read that google is cancelling google friend connect? That sucks. I guess this is the time to tell you guys to follow me via back up options like blogloving, rss or twitter? Or maybe I should just make a fb page already. Stupid google!

edit: so, it actually won't be disappearing from me as my blog is hosted by google. BUT WHAT IF I GO FOR A .COM OF MY OWN?
Stupid google!


  1. I would love to see your hair short again, you have the perfect face for it!

  2. oke oke de kleur is misschien lastig te combineren, maar wel ZO stoer! En het staat je ook supergoed! Dus ik zou gewoon nog even zo laten als het is en de uitdaging aangaan (haha). Je kan je haar altijd later nog kort knippen!

  3. Haha, chill out dude! The teal is nice... just wear black for a few weeks until it's faded. Plus it looks great with red. Short will look good, long will look good...

    Yeah, I am kind of pissed of about GFC however. Hopefully it won't have too negative affect re: followers without blogger accounts..

  4. Ik begrijp je, ben ook een haar-cameleon ;) . En eens ik iets in mijn hoofd steek, dan moet ik het gewoon doen :) Kort staat je héél mooi en heb ook nog geen spijt van mijn overhaaste kortwieken ;) Als het niet goed voelt, dan moet je er iets aan doen, zou ik zo zeggen!


  5. Also, I feel I understand about 15% of your dutch comments... not bad for the five words of dutch I know :D

  6. Just go to school in your undies, problem solved! :D
    Nee maar ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik deze kleur net iets te out there vind voor het dagelijkse leven (of toch zeker over het hele haar) & ik begrijp je probleem ermee heel goed qua kleurencombinaties.. als het u zwaar irriteert mss terug bruin kleuren?

  7. ok I totally want a translation from you of all of my dutch comments :D

  8. snap ik hoor, het was ook een bewuste keuze om edgy te gaan maar ik had gehoopt dat het zo makkelijk te combineren zou zijn als mijn roze haar, quod non :( maar kleur op kleur op kleur zie ik echt als zo'n straatje zonder einde want dan is het toch niet mijn eigen bruin en dan ben ik mijn ombre kwijt!

  9. What they're cancelling google connect?! WHAT?! That's the only way I follow things, goddamnit. Stupid google.
    I really like your hair, but yeah sometimes when you make a big change hair wise it takes a lot of getting used to. Everytime I get a new haircut/colour it takes some adjusting. But it's fun to change your style with a new hairdo!

  10. i know exactly what you mean! i dye my hair red and while it's not super-bright, i still get the feeling like i'm drawing too much attention to myself. cutting my hair helped! i say cut your hair while it's green and see how you like it!

  11. I like the short hair - cute

  12. Aww, yea, that is sorta true, stupid awesome hair not matching everything!!!! :p
    And no, if you get a .com you'll still be fine because you still use blogspot, you'll just be forwarding your blogspot address to the new one. You just cant go to wordpress or another platform :)

  13. you're beautiful...annebeth.Do not cut your hair, it takes a while to adapt
    kisses japan

  14. I think the teal looks so cute! I totally understand though.. I had pink hair for a few months, and just dyed it back to brown recently. I feel a lot freer about what I can wear now.. some colors just seemed to clash too much with my hair before and (like you!) I'm not a big fan of neutrals so that was annoying ;p

  15. Aw. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't quite work out! I really loved the peachy colour you had before.
    You looked fabulous with a bob! It really suits your face shape! I think you should definitely do a chop!

  16. I have to say that I really love your teal hair!! That might be because I've been wanting to go teal myself so I'm a bit biased, hee hee. I can see what you are saying about it not matching your style though...I actually felt that way a bit when your first dyed your hair pink and it was brighter (I loved the faded color though!!) Having said all that, I ADORE that bob!! Seriously, that hairstyle is smoking. I say chop it off! Yeah, it'll be expensive, and it is frustrating since you just had it cut, but better than feeling uncomfortable for the next few weeks, right?

  17. I really like your peachy/pink ends, I'm not such a fan of the teal. But the shorter haircut looks great as well... It's difficult but I'd go for the ombre hair like you had before this.

  18. Well I love that short bob, so maybe you do that instead of the teal? I still think you look very cute with it, it's drastic but you rock it. Looking forward to hear your decision. xo

  19. That's one of the things I found when I dyed my hair red-- I had to readjust colors, although not so much in my wardrobe as in my makeup. Teal is definitely a color that goes with less! But I think, personally, that hair has a sort of... leeway to not quite match your clothes, because it's your hair. I don't know, it seems like it's okay if your hair clashes with what you're wearing because it's a different sort of accessory, and YOU can pull it off anyway because you look amazing with any haircolor or cut. I love the bob, by the way. I think you'd look beautiful with it, but you're beautiful with long hair, too.

  20. Hihi, ik kan me inbeelden dat het niet zo eenvoudig is een outfit samen te stellen met je haarkleur maar je slaagt er toch al een aantal keer goed in! Je durft wel hoor, ik durf mijn haar zelfs niet kastanjebruin te verven :).

    Liefs, Sarah

  21. Ik vind je wel een beetje grappig :-D. Ik vind het groene prachtig maar eerlijk gezegd vind ik nog steeds dat je weer kort kort moet gaan en dat dan FEL TURQUOISE. haha nee hoor maar wel heel kort! Ik mis het!

  22. nee ik wil niet korter dan die korte bob! NEEN

  23. Oooh such a dilemma! it does look beautiful, but i can imagine that it's very hard to style. I love the bob too, so I am really not helping with the decision making haha!

  24. You look very pretty with short hair, and classy. :)

  25. Momenteel heb ik zelf flashy roze haar, maar ik ken de problematiek van het groene haar. Ben zelf getrouwd met felgroen haar en het stond prachtig bij m'n jurk maar daarna verder combineren bleek niet zo eenvoudig. Ik vind je trouwens prachtig met een bob. Heel stijlvol en je gelaatscontouren komen veel mooier en fijner uit. Just my two cents ;)

  26. dat blauwgroen is precies mijn kleur! mooi :) staat prachtig met rode lippenstift
