It has been raining virtually non stop the last few days. This means that I haven’t really been in the mood to take any pictures since the ones with artificial lighting suck, and the ones outside suck too because it is raining and the lighting is really poor. This also means that parts of Belgium are flooded and the national disaster plan is in motion. Don’t worry, I’m fine, but just a few streets away from me, people can’t reach the village center because the roads are flooded. My boyfriend used to live in a house that turned out to be situated under the flooding line, so he had probs with water several times, and he is totally freaking out.
But I’m level headed, so I’m just pissed I can’t take my pictures, haha

I didn’t post yesterday, first time in like a year I think. Very weird how you can get hugh up about small things like that. In the end it didn’t matter, but still, this rain is literally crampin my style!

I still owe you guys some more pictures of the Isshoes event, so check out my personal blog for those. About my outfit: I wanted to wear something warm and comfy that went with MY NEW BOOTS! Yes, here they are, my infamous brown vintage boots. Aren’t they DREAMY? And in practically perfect condition too! So I grabbed these knit H&M leggings I had been saving for a rainy day (haha) because these are cosy and warm as hell and aren’t they gorgeous? I was lovingly petting my legs all day long. I wanted to really emphasize the 70s-80s vibe of the boots and leggings, so out came the denim shirt and the chunky necklace. The umbrella was a necessity with the rain and all, but it still sort of goes with the look so I’m satisfied.
Enjoy your sunday!

 shirt: zara
leggings: H&M
necklace: gift
boots: vintage!

I'll upload the ISSHOES pictures somewhere today, but now it's time for breakfast!

edit: breakfast has been eaten, hot coco has been sipped, now it's time to post the pics!

meet up in Antwerp's central trainstation

Killing time waiting for the doors to open (we were first), drooling over my friend's gorgeous shoes (they're from Pimkie, by the way), and looking at her cellphone that said 19:01 WHILE THE DOORS WERE TO OPEN AT 19

dude opening the doors

trying things, grabbing things
the shoes used to be nicely lined up on the tables when we got there, but I took these after our first haul because I was too busy grabbing things to take pictures!

chilling in the lounge area

I would definitely go again, and my advice to girls: GO, be early, take a flashlight with you (it is dark as HELL in there), be fast, grab everything you see and like, have a plan on what you want to look for and know that there is only one of each pair in there on the tables. I was a dumbass looking for the second one of my pair for the first 1 or 2 minutes. ONE OR TWO MINUTES I could have spent on gittin some shoes!


  1. Cute outfit


  2. Wow, die legging is écht geweldig! En je vintage laarzen natuurlijk ook ;-) Superoutfit!

  3. In daglicht zijn die laarzen nog zooooveeeeeeeeel mooier! Leuke legging ook

  4. Love those leggings ... You have legs worth a mission dollars. I could never wear leggings and a shirt, that would just look hideous ...but NOT on you!

  5. *of course I meant 'Million" Got knows why my reached for 's' on the keyboard! ;)

  6. lOVE those tights you are wearing in the first photos.. totally funky!!!

  7. those tights are fantastic! looks like you had a really lovely evening

  8. Het was er écht te donker :p maar was wel een superavond :) ik post normaal gezien een outfit met mijn handtas morgen op mijn blog :) foto's zijn klaar in elk geval (nu maar eens in het weekend volledig gegaan, niet te doen anders... zo snel donker :s)
    Anyhow: great outfit :) fun pants and love them witht he shirt and necklace :p



    Zo. Nu dat er uit is, kan ik je veel leuke commentaar geven! =D

    1) Ik hou van je laarsjes!
    2) Ik verlang naar die legging van de H&M! xD
    3) Die foto's van ISSHOES zijn super leuk! =D

  10. Hehehe those leggings are great! They're so much fun. Something about rain makes me want to whip out intense pants, too. Almost like a "fuck you" to the weather.

    I hope things get drier soon! It sounds crazy. Stay cozy :)


  11. Hehehe those leggings are great! They're so much fun. Something about rain makes me want to whip out intense pants, too. Almost like a "fuck you" to the weather.

    I hope things get drier soon! It sounds crazy. Stay cozy :)


  12. *of course I meant 'Million" Got knows why my reached for 's' on the keyboard! ;)

  13. Cute outfit

