Currently Craving: Spring and Peace

Hey you! G'day. At least I hope your day is good and will continue to be so. Mine was OK, I tried to relax to the max as one does on a Saturday, and I had a super yummy home made spring roll meal. But more on that later! Right now, I just want to share some inspiration with you guys. 

I don't know if it is inherent to most style bloggers, but I'm one of those people who are SUPER into something for a while and then I move on to the next. My mom would call it fickle, I just call it a healthy appetite for new stimuli. This pertains to maxi dresses, dip dyed hair, pomelo or American Horror Story: I suddenly discover the previously underestimated awesomeness of some particular practice or item (again) and BAM, I can't get enough. Luckily for my boyfriend, that stage hasn't ended yet when it comes to him, even though we've been together for almost 9 years. HOLLER!

But on the subject of stylez, my current interests focus on two things in particular. Number one: comfortable gear that I can just throw on and schlep around the house in (while still feeling like I look kinda cute) because after a full week of working, I really just want to wear pajamas whenever I can. Number two: AMAGA ENOUGH WITH THE SNOW BRING ON SPRING ALREADY. This translates into me wanting to wear lots of happy pastels and dreaming of bare-leg-weather.

I put together two simple moodboards to share some of my inspiration with y'all.  Here you go!

thick socks, a cropped sweatshirt (obsessed with cropped sweatshirts at the moment), comfortable bralette sans underwiring (via Victoria's Secret), jogging pants (via Topshop), sneakers (Nike), knickers (Boudoir By Mail)

Yeah, I would love to wear this shit ALL DAY ERRDAY. And now you know my secret: most of the time recently, I have ZERO interest in dressing up. I just want to be comfortable after hauling myself out of my warm bed to get ready for work, mang! Hence the NO underwiring or thongs policy btw. Strange thing, shifting priorities. I wish we could all just go to work in our pajamas, honestly. Or, you know, work from home. And with home, I mean bed.

But sometimes I do feel like being pretty. Mostly when I'm having a good hairday. And on those days, I really really wish I could just go bare legged again and maybe catch a bit of sun. I'm starting to feel like a vampire. Sadly, not the sparkly kind, but the bags-under-eyes-kind.

shirtdress (via needsupply), denim jacket (via Superdry), Converse sneakers, cutesy backpack (via aliexpress), bralette (via Threadsence), knickers (via Boudoir By Mail)

AH that panda backpack! IRRESISTIBLE! I guess I'm feeling soft/neutral shades at the moment. Maybe I'm FINALLY growing up and developing a mature aesthetic? Oh wait, I forgot about the panda backpack. Nope.


  1. Die outfit voor thuis is <3. Niemand hier thuis snapt wrm ik er überhaupt mee inzit hoe ik er thuis bij loop, "want niemand zit je toch?". Maar f*ck dat. I only wear pretty things, that's just how I roll.
