Sint Niklaas Euro Market

Babes, last weekend my boy and me were casually watching the news when there was an item on about this big ass market with stalls offering delicacies and arts and crafts from all these different countries and I was like "DAYUM if I could visit that place I'd be eatin ma belly full from 9 to 5". And then my boyfriend was like "OK, let's go" but I was all confused because somehow I thought the market was in London near the Olympics or something, even though they interviewed the guy who organized the whole deal and he was Belgian. Yeah, I can be pretty clueless from time to time.

ANYWAY, the market turned out to be BELGIAN and located super close to our town, so off we went! Best day EVER.

Prepare yourself for epic international foodporn.

scrumptious strawberries with white chocolate (Belgian)

Spanish meats

Boring ole' Belgian again, but DAYUM that pie looked amazing

Fresh bread

China from I dunno where but it looked so pretty

Portuguese wine and sausage

Latvian woodcutter and his wind chimes

Sicilian specialties, probably my favorite stall. Everything here was AMAZING.

Women making Turkish flatbread

Spanish paella

Greek mini-amphora

The boy trying to decide what to pick

Double fisting amaaaaazing German bratwurst

Hands down our favorite food of the day: these Sicilian pastichio marzepan balls. GOD

Getting some much needed refreshments after spending 3 hours at the Euro Market. Not exactly 9 to 5, but I was very satisfied.

Will share my outfit with you tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed the foodporn :)

Check my facebook for more pictures!


  1. allezja ik bedoel dus de tweede ;)

  2. Hmmmm, zalig! Ik zou daar sowieso een paar kilo bijkomen, en het zou het waard zijn :).

  3. Food fest!

    The ceramic pottery looks Polish to me.

  4. I most definitely enjoyed the food porn!

  5. Leuke post. Ziet er lekker uit zeg allemaal!

  6. I've heard about this market. WAUW, that's like...way too much choice for me :D

    XxX A.

  7. Toen ik hoorde van die euromarkt dacht ik "alles aan een euro?" Dat bleek niet het geval, dus ben ik thuisgebleven. Blijkbaar toch wat gemist want dat ziet er driedubbel om nom nom uit...

  8. hahaha dat zou het nog VEEL leuker gemaakt hebben :D veel dingen waren best duur, jammer genoeg. Maar zo lekkeeeer

  9. Bij het lezen van de blogtitel had ik een "alles aan 1 euro" winkel in mijn hoofd :-)
    Maar dit iet er verdomd lekkkkker uit!

  10. ummmmmm marzipan is my fave! my bf and I enjoyed these photos together veeeery much ;)

  11. amazing!! the only problem is that I read that just before what I have for lunch doen't seem satisfying :P

  12. Vind het spijtig dat ik het gemist heb! Ziet er leeeuk en lekker uit!

  13. Looks like a fun event! Maybe I'll stop by next time/year (?)!
    And I'm glad you enjoyed the Italian food! #Patriotism

    x Krizia

    Shark Attack - Fashion Blog

  14. I am Italian at heart, best food everrrrrr

  15. mmmmmmh alles ziet er superlekker uit! Ik zou van alles iets eten haha :D en Turks brood is zoooo lekker, heb ik veel gegeten op reis! x

  16. Ouh, zo'n leuk concept, organiseren ze dat ieder jaar?

  17. voor zover ik weet jammer genoeg maar om de 6 jaar!
