Attention all readers! I'm in the market for a cute, high waisted bikini because that style suits my figure and because it's hard to find some for cheap and for pretty. So me not being able to pick is not really a conundrum, just a question. But you know what the rules about writing "fun" are: USE LOTS OF PUNNY PUNS ALWAYS

Anyway, my thoughts on the three combinations are as follows: I like the poppy print as a print best, but I'm afraid the print + the cut will look very granny, while I'm actually trying to move away from the OH SO RETRO idea. The polkadot one is in navy, which I love to wear because it looks good on me, and the pattern and cut is timeless. However, the polkadots are a bit too literal with the cut, and too twee as well perhaps. Again, I'm not trying to stick with the whole cutesy retro vibe. The black and white one is edgy AND retro, which I like, but I usually go for color rather than black and white. Also, the bottom seems slightly lower than the other two. But my boyfriend prefered this one because it reminds him of snakeskin. (wtf?)

ANYWHO, which one do you think will suit me best? The most difficult thing here is to find the option that will suit me and my style best, rather than just picking the prettiest one (POPPIES). I'm trying to find a balance between young and classic, edgy and retro. But maybe more towards the young and edgy side. I should just go for the black and white one, right?

Edit: SO I went with the black and white one. I love all three suits but I think the optical print is a bit more edgy and current. I know a lot of you probably associate me with the whole pretty vintage look, but I'm not all that into it right now. I don't want to be limited to that aesthetic. I want carefree, casual, young, preppy with a bit of an edge. And I think the suit I ordered matches that vibe! I'd love it even more if it was a bright color, but I'll just accessorize with neon nails and my ombre hair :-D And when the other two suits get marked down, you bet your ass I'll eliminate all of my doubts by ordering another one. EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY


  1. Puns are the hight of humour. Go the flowers, they're blooming beautiful :)
    Alice xx

  2. BLAUW! en zo zalig om onder een licht sheer jurkje of bloes aan te doen! de vormen zijn perfect ik hou van het bovenstuk, mooi stevig and it screams 50's vintage! ik vind de polka dots zalig omdat het zo mooi is met die donker blauwe kleur. hou niet van de eerste zijn bovenstuk, te zwak, letterlijk. ik ken u gigantisch mooi figuur niet volledig, maar ik zou opletten met het onderstuk van de tweede. de uitsnijding zit nogal hoog en dan creëer je nogal snel zadeldijen. blauw dus: mooi en zalige shape!

  3. I loveee the flowers, I have a purple floral high waist bikini, love to death. But I think maybe you should go with the polka dots, I think it's a "a balance between young and classic, edgy and retro." Definitely no the black and white, like you said not as high waist as the other two, plus the top looks a bit flimsy.

    But that's just me, can't wait to see what you pick :)

  4. Ah moeilijk moeilijk.. Ik zou zeggen: het is zomer en die twee kleurrijke zijn gewoon veel vrolijker! Die andere print kan je altijd nog in de winter dragen (niet als bikini uiteraard haha) en op een of andere manier vind ik het broekje oubollig van die.
    Ok dus we hebben nog twee over.. hmm ik zou voor blauw gaan! En eh ik kan wel een heel verhaal houden maar Mrs. K slaat de spijker op zijn kop ;) Dus ik ben het geheel met haar eens.

  5. ik heb absoluut geen last van zadeldijen (nogal straight up and down) en ik heb ook geen zware borsten maar wel brede schouders, waardoor een te groot bovenstuk nogal zwaar overkomt tgo mijn smalle heupen en niet erg uitgesproken taille. Jij kiest gewoon voor je eigen DD cup! :D Ik denk dat het zwart witte zo zwak lijkt door de grote borsten vh blonde model.

  6. I know what you mean, but I still think the cut evokes retro so not like your typical string bikini made of triangles :D thanks for your input!

  7. I quite like the one with the poppies! I don't think it would look Granny-esque at all. Plus, the warm color would look really nice against summer skin :)

  8. LOVE the geometric black and white. The cut is classic and will be super flattering, and the pattern is fresh and will be so fun to play with. Good choice!

  9. Ah life's big decisions! haha, you will look gorgeous in any!

  10. Deze bikini trouwens al gezien? :)
