Yeah Yeah Yeah

I was having a bad hairday so I just shook it all up and headbanged a bit. I love this H&M sweater and its print so much that I actually bought those wooly legging pants in the same fabric and print as well. Not to be worn together, but I’m sure the leggings will serve me well this cold season. They actually feel like long johns. Not that I’ve ever worn long johns, but they feel like I imagine long johns would feel. I always love cropped stuff, especially with high waisted stuff, so this outfit came together nicely for me. The beige/camel actually doesn’t suit me, but the print (one of my camel tips ) saves the day. I also pulled out this statement necklace I got as a gift from the gorgeous Aphrodite because I loved how it complimented the seventies feel of the sweaterprint. The boots haven’t been worn in a while, but I imagine them looking awesome with all the seventies stuff I plan on wearing.

I’m ill btw, I think my kitty infected me. I’m sneezing and my throat hurts like hell. Stupid kitty!

I think I’m making waffles with whipped cream this afternoon, just to cheer me up. My boyfriend made me some hot camomile tea with honey and a bit of milk, which always helps when my throat hurts. And just the fact that he made it for me makes me feel better of course. We’re going to eat our traditional sunday breakfast now, I may update a bit during the day! Enjoy your sunday darlings!

PS: how do you like my H&M deer head ring? I’m in love.


  1. Nice sweater, die ken ik ergens van ;-) Die ring zoek ik al zo lang! Hij lijkt overal uitverkocht..

  2. In de accessoire h&m op de meir hingen er nog een paar op die divided rekjes!
    en de trui heb ik gekocht nadat ik jou erin zag, ja :D

  3. Die trui is echt super leuk! Ow, en ik heb je trouwens getagged ;)

  4. Oh the sweater is so cool!!! I love this outfit:)

  5. I love your ring, and I love the sweater. Gorgeous stuff!

  6. I love your ring, and I love the sweater. Gorgeous stuff!

  7. Loooove it :))))

  8. In de accessoire h&m op de meir hingen er nog een paar op die divided rekjes!
    en de trui heb ik gekocht nadat ik jou erin zag, ja :D

  9. Nice sweater, die ken ik ergens van ;-) Die ring zoek ik al zo lang! Hij lijkt overal uitverkocht..
