Bloggers Sell Out: Closet Sale!

Oh glorious day, thou art nearing! I told you guys about the blogger closet sale we'd be hosting during Antwerp Fashion Night,(location provided by Huis Happaert) and it's almost here! Me and some of my fave blogger buddies will be purging our closets, giving you the opportunity to snap up some great deals and cute pieces for ultra low prices. 

But shopping won't be the only thing on the menu! You'll get to meet us! Haha just kidding, I'm not THAT big headed. I actually have a rather small head. No, thanks to some of our awesome sponsors you will get to feast on Patty Cake cupcakes and Tao energy drinks (Tao is my faaaaaave, I drink it all the time, super healthy). 

Are you psyched yet? I sure am! So: join us at the Happaertstraat at 17.00 sharp on the 28th of September, be sure to bring cash and your girlfriends! Or guy friends, if they are looking for some seriously cute dresses.

AND! Because we wanted to make this shiz even MORE enticing for you, we came up with the idea of hosting a private pre sale for some readers, including some personalized advice. SO. If you want the opportunity to shop my closet in peace and quiet before everything has been RUINED by EVERYONE standing IN YOUR WAY, shoot me an email at First come first served!

I will be selling loads of vintage but also highstreet stuff, skirts, cute dresses, tops and shoes for prices ranging from 2€ to I DUNNO maybe 20€ max. See you there!


Zara loafers, size 38. Hardly worn, bit too small for me. Get them while they're hot (which is now)!


  1. Ik zit "jammer genoeg" dan in Toscane om een huwelijk bij te wonen. Het lijkt me anders wel super leuk!

  2. Oh wat leuk! Misschien dat ik snel even langskom (als de tijd het toe laat). Love the shoes !!

  3. Oh my! did I hear you telling the phrase "selling loads of vintage" and meaning *your* vintage? did I hear "cute dresses" too? Sometimes I wish I lived in Belgium, and this is one of the cases! :'(

  4. Ik baal zooo hard dat ik niet kan komen! :(((
    Thesissen in Schotland like a boss ;)
    Naomi -x-
